Open Show Critiques 2024
Sunday 27th October
Held at: Brook Farm Training Centre, Stapleford Abbotts, Romford, Essex RM4 1EJ
Judge: Ms D. Bartošová (Aldamity) [Slovakia]
Firstly, I would like to give thanks to the committee for inviting me to judge at their show. I must say it was a great honour and privilege, as this was my first Breed Club Open Show in UK. The venue was fantastic and we couldn´t wish for better weather then we had. A special thank you to the exhibitors that gave me a lovely entry of quality dogs and bitches and for accepting my placings. Also, thank you so much to my stewards who organized the ring beautifully and who made my day so much easier.
Minor Puppy Dog - 1 entered | 0 absent
Andrews´s Creamwood Magic in Mind. This 6 month old pale puppy boy is well made for his age, lovely head and very sweet expression, excellent pigmentation, good neck placed well into laid back shoulder, correct front and rear angulation, enough bone, neat feet, moves well for his age from all sides, correct coat, very happy temperament.
Puppy Dog - 1 entered | 0 absent
Barnard´s Pocket Rocket Guy. Almost 1 year old pale male, good size for his age, nice head, balanced, nice eye shape and colour, excellent pigmentation, correct length of neck, short and strong body, correct tail set, enough forechest for his age, excellent rib cage, well angulated in front and rear, correct bone and feet, moves well and showed in good condition.
Reserved Best Puppy in Show.
Junior Dog - 4 entered | 2 absent
Metcalfe´s Baileydale Rocket Man JW. Lovely type, presented in excellent condition. This dog caught my eyes immediately when he came into the showring. The most beautiful head for me today, masculine but with very nice and sweet expression, excellent eye shape and colour, excellent pigmentation, lovely neck, short and strong back, loin and his level topline is finished with correct tail set. Excellent shoulder, front and rear angulation, his well muscled thighs gives him strength in movement which was excellent in every way, super bone and feet for his size, lovely double coat, excellent presentation.
Best Dog and Best in Show.
Young´s Potterspiney My Sovereign. Another lovely yellow with pleasing head, good
length of neck, little longer in loin then first, excellent tail set, correct front and rear
angulation, moves well, correct coat structures, nice presentation.
Novice Dog - 2 entered | 1 absent
Way´s Incantator Fabulinus. Medium size, balance, masculine head, good pigmentation, good neck, level topline, well tail set, enough front, excellent rear angulation, moves well, excellent coat condition.
Undergraduate Dog - 2 entered | 1 absent
Ganney´s Darrabol Sand Dollar. Dark yellow, masculine head, good eye shape and colour, clean neck, level topline, prefered longer upper arm, correct rear angulation, enough bone, firm feet, moves with reach and drive, correct coat, nice presentation.
Post Graduate Dog - 10 entered | 3 absent
Young´s Potterspiney Aramis JW. Lovely black, full of quality, lovely balanced head, nice expression, good neck, correct length for his size, strong back, lion and excellent tail set, his excellent front and hind quarters gave him strength movement in every way, perfect bone and feet, presented in hard coat condition.
Bardsley´s Meadovillabs Stark at Amadies. Another good quality of black, lovely masculine head with kind expression, loved his eye shape and colour, strong neck placed well into the laid back shoulder, excellent front and rear angulation, moves well with reach and drive, very good quality of coat.
Limit Dog - 6 entered | 3 absent
Boulden´s Rumhill Firecracker JW. Lovely chocolate, quite bigger size but balanced, very clean outlines, very nice head, very nice eye colour, clean neck, placed well into laid back shoulder, excellent topline and tail set, enough forechest, good rib cage, correct front and rear angulation, moved and presented well, correct coat structure.
Reserved Best Dog.
Nugteren´s Cedarwood Choc´N Chuckle. Another nice chocolate, nice eye colour, strong neck, strong back and lion, correct tail set, excellent hind quarters, very nice bone and feet, move all, presented in hard coat condition.
Veteran Dog - 1 entered | 0 absent
Welford´s Ankari Bare Necessities. Lovely 7.5 year old veteran male, lovely head and expression, very nice eye colour, nice enough long clean neck, still strong topline, well tail set, well angulated, correct bone for his size, nice feet, moves well in every way, excellent coat condition.
Baby Puppy Bitch - 1 entered | 0 absent
Scammell´s Willokin´s Magica de Spell. Very beautiful 4 month old yellow girl, very balanced, lovely head, correct for her age, in good proportion, nice dark eyes in good shape, lovely neck, strong and short back and loin, excellent tail set using perfect during her movement, nice forechest for her age, deep chest and good rib cage, well angulated, moves well for her age, excellent coat. Wish her bright future in her show career.
Minor Puppy Bitch - 2 entered | 1 absent
Tipson´s Ffurador Princess Tiana. 6 month old lovely chocolate girl, good size for her age, nice feminine head in good proportion, like her eye shape and colour, clean neck,
level topline and well tail set, enough forechest for her age, good depth of chest for her age, enough both angulation, her bone and feet are just right for her age, moves well, with a lot of enthusiasm, correct coat, very happy temperament.
Puppy Bitch - 7 entered | 2 absent
Metcalfe´s Trendlewood Its Only Love to Baileydale. Almost 1 year old lovely black, full of quality young girl, balanced and well developed to her age, nice head, well made, balanced to her body, lovely eye colour, kind expression, her neck is perfect length to her size, level topline and good tail set, excellent shoulder, upper arm, strong hind quarters, well angulated. Her bone and feet are just right for her size. Moves well, with reach and drive, presented in lovely coat conditions.
Best Puppy in Show.
Watkins´s Saranden Be True. 1 year old beautiful yellow female presented today in excellent condition, lovely feminine head with sweet expression, excellent length of neck placed well into her shoulders, level topline, good tail set, like her forechest which is developed well for her age, good depth of chest, well sprung of ribs, well angulated, correct feet and bone, good mover, presented in nice coat condition.
Junior Bitch - 5 entered | 1 absent
Jury´s Handialla Lady in Red at Ballaremuera. 16 month old nice yellow female, short couple, lovely balanced head, feminine, sweet expression, clean neck, correct topline and tail set, nice forechest, chest and ribcage, enough front angulation, excellent hind quarters, moves with reach and drive, good quality of coat, nice presentation.
Young´s Potterspiney Ahsoka Tano. Another lovely yellow female in this class, very close to winner of class. Lovely head, feminine, well eye colour and shape, excellent pigmentation, nice clean neck, little longer in loin, well tail set, well developed body with enough bone and feet, well angulated, correct movement, presented in lovely coat condition.
Maiden Bitch - 4 entered | 1 absent
Deeks´s Willokins Getin Jiggy It. Lovely black female, well shaped body, very balanced, nice feminine head with good eye colour, super neck, short couple with strong back and loin, good tail set, very good forechest, rib cage, her angles are correct which gives her power movement, good coat condition and well presented.
Young´s Potterspiney Ahsoka Tano.
Novice Bitch - 2 entered | 0 absent
Deeks´s Willokins Getin Jiggy It.
Nye´s Timouron´s Minx. Dark chocolate 8.5 month old, not very big female but still time to grow, wish to see darker eye colour, correct neck, short and strong body, well muscled for her age, good forechest, deep chest, good hind quarters, nice dark coat colour, moves well, nice presentation.
Undergraduate Bitch - 9 entered | 2 absent
Woodley´s Alkhamhurst Gatling. This outstanding black female caught my eye as soon as she entered the ring. She reminded me of the classic type, well balanced, nothing over, just balanced. Her head is lovely, well made, feminine but perfect size for her body, brown eye colour gave her sweet expression, lovely enough long clean neck, well placed in the shoulders, strong back and loin, perfect tail set, enough forechest, excellent depth of chest, well sprung of ribs, well angulated front and hind quarters which allowed her to move easily, her bone is just perfect for her size, super feet. Presented in perfect coat condition.
Best Female, Reserve Best in Show and Best Opposite Sex.
Deeks´s Willokins Getin Jiggy It.
Post Graduate Bitch - 3 entered | 0 absent
Boulden´s Rumhill Bossy Boots JW. Strong chocolate female with super topline and hard
coat condition. Also she is strong build female, she is balanced. Well made head with
excellent eye colour and shape, strong neck well placed into the shoulder, good
forechest and depth of chest, very well front and rear angulation, moves with reach and
drive, nice show girl.
Collins´s Foxrush Joyfull JW. Very nice yellow, pleasing head, nice neck, little soft topline, strong loin, excellent tail set, her forechest and chest are well made, nice rib cage, moves easily because of her correct front and hind quarters angulation, moves with a lot of energy, she is in perfect coat condition.
Limit Bitch - 2 entered | 0 absent
Ganney´s Darrabol Amphitrite with Allenie. Nice yellow, full of quality, good proportionate head, sweet expression, lovely clean neck, strong topline and loin, very well tail set, well shaped body, enough forechest, well made ribs, she has correct both angles which make her movement with enough reach and drive, correct bone into well- shaped feet, good structure coat, nice presentation.
Harrison´s Llanstinan Mascara with Rebel. Lovely black with many qualities, super head, wish to see stronger topline, enough forechest, well sprung ribs, enough front and rear angulations, moves a little close behind, shown in good coat condition.
Open Bitch - 3 entered | 2 absent
Metcalfe´s Baileydale Hello Sailor JW. What a lovely yellow, full of quality, very balanced, well made head, nice eye shape, excellent pigmentation, strong neck and topline, short
couple, well angulated, strong quarters which allowed her to flow round the ring, shown in perfect coat condition.
Reserved Best Bitch.
Veteran Bitch - 7 entered | 2 absent
Woodley´s SH CH A Sense of Pleasures Yvli of Alkhamhurst. This black beauty really caught my eye. What a lovely 8.5 year old lady, full of quality shown in tip-top condition. Nothing to change from head to tip of tail. The most beautiful head, strong topline, lovely forechest, deep chest with well sprung ribs, excellent length of body, well angulated, strong hind quarters, good bone into well shaped feet, moves well, lovely presentation, still very happy in the ring.
Best Veteran in Show.
Ganney´s Mardas Black Silk JW. Almost 9 year old black lady, another veteran shown in perfect condition, despite her age she showed happy and full of energy. Sweet expression, strong neck, short couple, super topline and tail set, moves well, super coat.